Yeah, I would recommend to trust the citizens more and to listen at scale. Those are my two main
另外,剛剛講到 zero trust,我們在推的「更信任」,從硬體的信任、晶片的信任、晶片資安、系統化的資安,各國都關切資安的風險,很多資安的東西不是公司自己做了就算,必須要有一些國際上的合規,如何達到供應鏈當中,這也是公會切入的點,以上。
我們有一些分工,就是我們自己試出來的做法,像 Zero trust
we need to look at the web3 world where there is like, you know, zero trust all around
can then shape it to say, you know, this is like a general pollution on the fabric of trust, and we
this explanation, again, the public trust of the system increased especially because people do see
. And to me that means trusting the people, because you’re yielding your most important power, which is agenda setting power to the people.
this is the collective will of the stakeholders, when we implement that, it also increase trust.
GlobalPlatform 也跟我們簽署合作備忘錄,確保晶片安全標準跟國際接軌,不管是物聯網或者是晶片的供應鏈,在國際上現在大家看到 M.I.T.(Made in Taiwan),這個「T」也是「Trust」,也就是能夠信任這樣的做法。
the epistemic expectation of online interaction. And so this pollution to fabricate trust is wide ranging
of a shared cognitive, shared reality, fabric of trust that these emerging technologies employed by authoritarians.
剛剛提到很重要的一件事,剛剛提到 Zero trust,很重要的是區隔 segmentation,不能保證是不是可以擋在外面,但是一旦進來的時候,確定影響力就是在這邊,不會延伸到其他的地方,保
or a few of those entities. Like NIST or Cybersecurity Institute and so on, we can play a trusted hub
people they trust and asking them to invest in a new stock or things like that, because the Taiwan stock
Taiwan, is a collective priority of rebuilding strong mutual trust between the government