and critical infrastructure that has national personal data to switch that entirely into zero trust
are more nimble. We can switch to passwordlessness quicker. We can implement zero trust quicker. We can do
-trust defense systems, as well as asking people to help keeping us afloat, right, by making sure
. And there are even technologies like designated verifier, meaning that if both of us trust an intermediator
I don’t know if that was the best place to out, but also because there was no trust on either
雖然我們自己並沒有下去作檢測,但是我們generally trust,因為各國政府都已經用了,他們的contribution會回到這裡來,所以discourse的accessibility
剛剛講到的 Born global 確實也必須靠著大家把好的資安習慣導入,像 Zero trust 的導入。像剛剛講的數據公益,也是靠當初剛有公鏈技術時,大家發現個資上鏈就完蛋了,必須要用零知
be done through a trusted intermediary, which maintains contextual integrity and shares in a zero
sectors are trusted partners, and they are, in a sense, taking over with some public oversight
— such as Socialtext — were already friends that I trusted. They are fellows in the open source
, they can see them face-to-face. In Taiwan, we say meeting face-to-face builds 30 percent of trust.
確實,zero trust 很重要,大家有看到我在這邊跟院長講說我用 iPad 簽公文,裡面有專用工作用的 SIM 卡、固定的 IP,又是我的 Touch ID,這個設備是專用的設備,我的指紋
/ZTA/">Zero trust 這些,或者是機器學習的應用,兩署是我們的使用者,也不會收他們的錢,產業署跟資安署也會用這個產品,分別會去讓資服業者、資安業者知道現在有這一套做法在擴散。
of the global Declaration, which chose the enhance the public trust, in fairness, enhancing transparency
但是現在發現並不是,而是動員的工具,每一個網站只要連到五個別的動員網站,一瞬間動員的群組就形成了,這個是Swift trust,很快彼此信任,然後就集結起來、展示力量,不管在全球資訊網的任何一個角落就可以看到「藍絲帶」掛在那邊。
, as of yesterday, it’s now legal to import. So, we do trust our citizens to also understand
on provenance technologies, works on pervasive FIDO rollout, and many other things, zero trust architecture
two broad classes. One is the trusted institutions and numbers. One is the friends and families who have met, and everybody else is a bot.
classified information, but I do trust Howard 簡 and taking care of these matters.
you think that format of that governance looks like? Is it that we end up with some trusted