become so much closer to each other that, relatively speaking, the trust in democratic institutions
coronavirus, I’ve got it on my mobile here. Soap, hand sanitizer, civic tech, and plenty of trust. Can you
By trust I mean the government, through making ourselves transparent
you don’t trust the citizens, so don’t bother with the masks, or you say you trust the citizens, so
For example, if you trust the venue owner a lot more than you trust everybody else combined
It’s fine, right? So, we’ll make sure we get you the trusted access. I actually checked in while
rebuilding trust. That is our fundamental core value. Based on this core value, what we do is to make
to keep the heart of the nurses and the doctors to the local clinic. The people need to trust their local
That builds trust because then people can see that I’m ready to answer anything people care
. That actually hurts trust. It makes trust impossible because, then, all the messages you get are double messages.
of trust. Because Taiwan has broadband as human right, across high-definition video, maybe 20 percent
Basically, what we’re doing now is radical trust from the government
by the young people. Their ministry may not gain the trust from the young people, but they get the trust from the young people.
argue that it’s people’s willingness to trust each other and people’s willingness to trust the health
There is a larger culture that basically says that we trust
with an established brand that has social trust. As I mentioned, if you say you are not looking
and help to improve them, and thereby preserve, to some degree, people’s confidence and trust
那時候是介紹 zero trust 的概念,我看報紙的時候,大家都不確定我在講什麼,因為 zero trust 的第一步是大家都不用進辦公室。
, priority-one to deliver secure messages. So, people trust Signal because they trust that Signal can
mitigate that erosion of trust, the end result will be that we only trust people in the same room