Thank you.
Invite all the congressman, the legislators, to come here, or not.
Maybe we can have a global benefit corporation legislators and government meeting in Taipei.
We can celebrate next year.
Who is in charge of this? [laughs]
Dinner last night was very productive.
It’s like to transform to another stage.
It’s good transition, too.
...we cannot stay here. [laughs]
Audrey, you think this is the right way to go, right?
[laughs] Interesting.
Regulation can follow the principles...
...regulation can be...
Is it lasting? If the authority changed, that kind of government...
How it will be called, 條例 or what’s the...?
[laughs] He will come.
Oh, yeah. You have dinner last night.
Kind of?
We can check the company name.
We have a central database, right?
I think it’s a good discussion.
That is problem, right?
Basically, government should not look into it.
...penalties, or something like that. Ping thought that the government will check the inside content to see whether it’s followed the rule or not. Ping is against that part. I think it’s a misunderstanding because later we explained, "Hey, New Power Party means they want people to disclose it, not ...
The New Power Party’s version, I think they require...Professor Fang will come. He can explain that part. Basically, I think it’s a misunderstanding. New Power Party means they want if people didn’t get the benefit report disclosed, then there will be some...
Now we have both European and US experience to share, so we got more knowledgeable. [laughs]
He has been based in Milan and Taipei, so he can share his experience...
I think we have a good gathering from all over the world. [laughs] It happened that we have a Italian lawyer here, and he study benefit corporation law.
They have their issues.
She’s the boss.
I’ve invited Linda.
I will invite the key person to come next Wednesday.
I have already invited KPMG, but TIER, who I should invite?
Basically, collect all the stakeholders who are highly interested in this, so we can start up something together.
We have some initiatives. Of course, I think the mapping will be the first thing, the high level mapping. We can do that with many smaller group, many 7, 10 people, next round, next meeting. After Wednesday’s, next Wednesday’s.
I think the purpose of next Wednesday’s gathering is to get people who are interested in, right? [xx] courting to do this, where we all meet.
Initiatives. We can keep going.
Maybe I think as GSG preparation office, we can draft a similar, very...
Taiwan’s social financing strategy?
Are these happen soon, or for Taiwan?
還有就是multi-stakeholder的approach跟collaboration這一些,我覺得Joe很有經驗。我們大概也邀了二、三十位主要的,按照ecosystem分類的,都會來下週12/19在社創中心舉行的「台灣GSG影響力投資諮詢委員會 Taiwan NAB」籌備暖身小聚#1。