. Again, the main idea is for them to decimate trust in democratic institutions, but it is no longer
-187, which is a zero-trust cybersecurity standard for not just the semiconductor industry
handicapped place to start, the people were very nice to me and they trusted a child as if the child
that this comes from a trusted source. This is like a blue check mark. And already, our telecom companies
of the social sector, they can leverage each other to regain trust even when, for example, the younger
trust principle in manufacturing, especially around semiconductives. That actually rolled out even
web3 means interoperable across wider jurisdictions. Civic meaning that we’re closer and trust each
incorporate with this global system. Everybody votes with their cash, but nobody trusts anyone.
that you trust your cooperative, your school, and so on. It’s open source, you can change it however you want, tune it however you want.
, it’s secure, it’s sand-boxed. It can only run on the server you trust.You still do the typing
之後,我想產業署會分散在各地,其實各地都有服務相關的,資策會也有各地的服務處,大家都不一定要全部集中在一個地方,每一個同仁都是配筆電,從第一天就是 zero trust 的網路架構。
trust on any particular point, which may be DDoS or hijack or social engineering to oblivion, but rather into the resiliency of the protocol itself.
evaluation technology and promoting the development of Taiwan’s AI industry, thereby enhancing the trust AI environment in Taiwan.
they handle well they create trust for those 5,000 people, and those 5,000 people, after they have
那我覺得盡可能的概念很好,剛剛說 Trust our citizens,相信每一位民眾,而不是說把希望都放在一個天才 IT 大臣身上,所以就把它詮釋成說與其有一個唐鳳要在日本誕生,不如每一個看
我們以前的法律很在乎這種雙邊互惠,那但是現在其實特別是像這些分散式的 trust system 當道的時代,你去看歐盟的 wallet 或 eIDAS 2.0,也就是大家共用一個分散式帳本,像
in the cryptocurrency sense if the people have very low trust in the fiat, in the central bank. If you mean like
try to protect our privacy values, is because that trust is everything to us.
back the box when I receive the newest kind of boxes, and so on. And so, they’re proven that they are social entrepreneurs and I trust their mission.
than any newspaper reader, so [laughs] I do not know. I trust that our Ministry of National Defense