cannot go back and change the number. Even though you own a supercomputer center, you cannot. That’s the trust layer.
is that you’re setting yourself as the catalyst for them to trust each other more.
as saving time, is really increasing trust. It is also making sure there’s less risk, and the bureaucracy
afterward, so that people can trust that if people say there is air pollution now, they cannot change
how disinformation spreads, one about how social media destroys trust, one about segregation, and one
as a trust for the people involved, and the Open Algorithm Institution basically accepts code from
or entity trusted with this data, which runs your code and published the results back to you.
that people can trust each other on their data without the capability of any party to overwrite
linguistics, but also just social interaction design because nobody understands why people trust so much
Using high-bandwidth telepresence, we can build maybe 20 percent trust
about people’s right to fiduciary control on who they trust to process their data. It is also about
. Random people on the street, but actually people they already trust somewhat. Also location
of something like this – not any particular forms of meetings, but rather a culture of trusting the citizens – is a norm.
service trust them. All of this is a purely career public service purview instead of a partisan
officers, the heroes, wear. That’s radically trusting the citizens. The fair part is, for example, on distributing of the masks.
have access to masks and can use it more properly because the pharmacists are more trusted by their neighborhood.
. It requires enormous amount of trust from this CECC to those nightlife businesses, but it’s proven
tend to trust you more than the government or more than other sources.
not trusting the government or each other indeed that easily because only the government has the capacity to audit.
inspiration directions. I wouldn’t trust the automated poets to give me clinical advice. Of course, that’s not its use. Its main use is an inspirational use.