Or maybe “Digital Democracy Builds Trust,” or whatever.
A symbol of trust, but does it protect you from Chinese aggression?
The blockchain, for us, is a shared database, but it’s not replacing, it’s augmenting the root of trust.
It was an announcement that you made that Taiwan embraces zero trust.
We both use Cloud and don’t trust Cloud.
With like 9… like less than 10% trust in government?
I know trust is easier to define and sense than wisdom.
To trust them with open data, as we say.
Basically, there has to be a lot of trust between the population and its government.
Did this trust started thanks to digital technology at the beginning?
Trust the citizens more. Make sure that the social innovations
I wanted to convince them to retronym into a Trust Tech Center.
So, you are promoting the so-called concept of zero trust?
In a liberal democratic society, it should always be that a state initiates this trust.
It relies on a fully transparent, accountable substrata that people can really trust. I think building that trust is really our main link.
[laughs] The citizens are free to trust anyone, and we’re not interfering with that. When we
engagement, the government was not trusted, the trust level was below 10 percent.
Digital trust is actually quite low, because the trust in the system is not that high
Everybody can be a data producer, and that it is on an apparatus that enables mutual trust.
We are at a point, people who will trust them. That’s the whole game...