Then we say, “Yeah, we amplify those very good ideas and trusting your citizens pay dividends
trust. There’s civic participation portals and all sort of e-government stuff. When they turn
, this kind of circulation of trust, of fight the pandemic together, and also their own history, as you
Zero Trust Architecture solution. It’s just, we insist on no lock-ins, so within our system no two
, in cybersecurity, you would like to measure by the incidents discovered sufficiently mitigate the zero trust architecture reform and so on.
What measures need to be put in place then, to ensure that people do trust artificial
and three or more satellite providers. Because we also saw from Ukraine. If you over-trust one
, is going to switch to the security and communication, the T-Road and the Zero Trust architecture
, phenomenological, plural subjects, the harms that changes the fabric of trust, changes the fabric
of trusted and untrusted. So, it’s like 101 of cybersecurity.
. And this allows these people to be trusted by the senior public service for two years during
And it also is connected to democracy, I guess, so this trust. And you said because of social
a similar protocol, then any international expert is kind of automatically trusted by MOFA as somebody who travels in to help us to convene.
switched to this kind of zero-trust system, especially for biometric identification. By the end of the year
, the passkey or the biometric chip on the device or the zero trust architecture, then the surface
. Then, try to form some sort of solidarity that lets them at least trust you to a degree where you can get useful information.
it’s an independent organization, well trusted by the population. They now are moving to publish their audit
As you can see, there is a huge number of knobs you can tweak to let a system trust the user
, that sometimes it is more efficient if you work in a transparent way. Sometimes, it is more useful if you trust the collective intelligence to provide input to your work.
it, but convincing the civil society that the due process actually leads to predictable results is difficult, because trust is quite irrational.