I believe the society should demand the technology to work for the society and not the other way around. This is the essence of my prayer in the beginning. And mostly for emerging technologies, what we have seen from the society is that these technologies need to harmlessly coexist with the social norms. Now harmlessly co-exist. If you’re thinking about, say a vaccine, this should be natural, right? This is what we expect of a vaccine. No matter what the vaccine does, to counter the pandemic, if it’s made future vaccination impossible, that is to say, it doesn’t co-exist, or if it causes bodily harm, that is to say, it has bad side effects, we can’t imagine the Food and Drug Administration even considering its application, right? So, only when it’s shown that it can coexist with whatever medications or vaccinations that society is already taking, and it doesn’t cause significant harm, do the FDA in Taiwan, called TFDA, actually look at the application that goes, kind of, without saying.