All of that interaction and openness, is that really helping to build public trust?
I really don’t think people should trust the government.
The government need to fully trust its citizens.
They also said that the population does not need to trust the government.
Antivirus company do that to your computer all the time. If you trust
I don’t. I help the government trust the citizens.
I think also the keyword is again, trust and cooperation.
When you said give no trust, get no…
I think trust was a keyword in your specific activity.
Is this the same thing as this similar or a human equivalent of zero trust?
If children, their parents, and their supporting community are not trusted by the government
My headline would be: "Before expecting the people trusting the government, the government needs
You don’t have trust. You don’t have to trust the report interface. You can run your own analysis…
What about trusting government? Can you see that, from year to year
Once the citizens get used to the idea and the practice of the government actually trusting
You relied on trusting citizens and social responsibility. That you gave them enough trust
I see. Thank you. We’ve seen so much the government asking people trust and people to trust the government.
Our national education doesn’t trust the states. Then, the state level doesn’t trust
Well, I don’t think trust is bad but trust is earned. I’m promoting the concept of trust
Allowlist, the “trust but verify.” This is based on zero trust, [laughs] we don’t trust