about people’s trust in the Internet. It could very easily be corroded if people are led or even
trust the Internet, then they won’t exercise the freedom of speech or freedom of assembly online
a lot to think about in terms of my own work and this approach of trust, particularly in the face of fear. It’s a big lesson for me, so thank you.
because of the anti-corruption laws. But people are generally pretty trusting the public service being not corrupt.
Engaging people with the trust of the tool or society, and for us, the importance is in young
, for example, that has trust as its more important value. It will go nowhere, which is not a criticism
judicial reform to increase trust between the people, and the judicial system by deliberating things
often and to not start with the Taipei City. The Taipei City, or the Central Election Committee at the moment really has plenty of trust actually...
, that we want to set a mediation space where everybody could trust us, and for the private sector
At the end of it, we agreed the common value is that people should trust their local clinicians
People have general trust about distributed ledgers that we can hold ourselves into account
who practice openness, who basically establish accountability and the kind of trust that which
When I did the Perl 6 implementation called Pugs, I did this thing called radical trust, where
stones on which participation is made. If you don’t have cybersecurity and trust of the cyber system
people. When partnership like that happens, it’s almost magical because both sides trust each other with each other’s data.
of controlling and looking at everything to be sure that it’s in the way I would like it to be. While trust
people monitoring various parts of the air. The most important thing is for them to respect and trust
economic role, but really a brain trust or a think tank role locally.
While very long and well trusted, like the ACLU, and Electronic Frontier Foundation, Software
Nonetheless, I think it can build the trust. That’s why I’m ambivalent. On one hand, you don’t