The second thing is that because trust is bidirectional, if we can let the NGOs
And so this is, again, just an anecdote but I hope this showed that radically trusting
…not the other side of the question, whether the citizen trusts government more. I don’t care
accountability. The accountability framework earns the trust, and if we earn the trust of citizens
Then, we trust the children to use the tablet well. Because we trust the children, the children
This is one of the few ways that we’ve been improving the trust from
How did you build the trust through the years? How did you use the source you mentioned to build that trust through years and to use that trust now?
is important, because if you don’t have this kind of meta trust – the government trusts citizens more
That is the main thing that we’re designing toward. It is a way for the government to trust
We can say the government trusts the people or starting to trust people, but it doesn’t mean
It increases trust both ways, you see.
(A Key Skill: Open Source - Trusting Strangers)
They’re cheerful children and trusting children, maybe, so joyful and…
The citizens who trust the government without the government trusting
And vice versa, the citizens trust in the government as well.
Yeah. My original research topic back when I was 15 years old was swift trust, so sure. [laughs
The root of trust comes through the telecoms company?
I’m willing to trust them in a staging environment.
I generally trust my SQL folks, but...
The link to trust is a very interesting one for him.