I mean I was like non-binary when I was already 12, so it’s not much as coming out as saying that you know I don’t really want to be a confined into a specific gender role, so it’s with a very philosophical way in which that I came up with my parents and saying that was I just dropped out of school, I get to decide how do I look like everyday how I behave everyday, and there is a lot of experiments I was going to do, and so this is within a large framework of experimentation with not only gender but also identity of language that I speak, of the cultures that I choose to acculturate myself into and so on. I would say that if you framed it as a experimentation as a journey, as a journey to self discovery, then it is easier because the parents would want their children to experience as much as possible within a safe way, and then it also helps to prove there is a safe space, there is circle of friends were tolerant or okay, who sees this as normal. And once you have this group of friends then your parents maybe much more willing let you experiment. And this is true not only for the identity or for sexual orientation, this is true for anything. I think starting a startup, for example, is actually much more dramatic when I was 14 or 15 other than gender or other than any other experiments, because people know most of the startups fail. And for a teenager it could be very traumatic to fail once as startup, so it took a lot of convincing. But after my parents see that I have a group of friends who are also into startups who don’t see failure as something shameful, they feel more comfortable in letting me out — in all the sense of the word.

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