I think the major change is not happening from the public sector, but is from the machine learning sector. As of last month the there is been a major breakthrough in the English Mandarin bi-directional translation quality. If you use any of the online automatic translators, there’s been a new technique where they train the machine learning algorithms so that now it actually gets it right most of the time instead of wrong most of the time, when you do machine learning of our regulation and stuff. I think this is very important, because in my office what we call public digital innovation space, our website, is English first. We only really have English websites, but we’re able to use automatic translation through machine learning to also present a Chinese version of our website, and this wouldn’t be possible even just two months ago. So a lot of machine automatic translation, both in your pocket in the form of-- you can scan a menu and it shows the correct English translation which happens offline, as well as in online translations, I think that’s really going to speed up the communication, so now you see a regulation that may affect you and you have 60 days to comment; empowered with this kind of automated translation we can actually do a lot. In my public dialogue board, I actually get input from Spanish from Madrid and so on, and they also use automatic translation and see that the quality much better nowadays, so that’s actual legible, and that we can engage in serious public policy discussions using our own native languages by the mediation of machine translation.

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