I know it was a huge issue in the US, as well as Europe recently, was Article 13, it passed.
I see.
OK. That’s good to know.
Interesting. I’m curious what’s Taiwan’s stance on net neutrality. That’s an issue that I was really...
...bad guy.
You don’t think there’s...
People moved en masse.
The actual blogging has changed a lot even in the past 10, 20 years. Medium is pretty recent, past five, six years?
Their only loss is probably a loss of referral traffic that they’re...
Yes, they did. They had a public crowdfunding. They raised around a million. I think that’s the limit in the US for how much you can raise for the public. Now they’re on their own platform. They used the money to build a platform to hire more staff, essentially.
Recently they left Medium.
Medium has pretty strict rules on what the users can do with regards to monetization. There is a little bit of concern involved with Medium creators that are lured into the platform being allowed to monetize any way they want. There is really strong encouragement from Medium to join their ...
What do you think about that?
What do you think about Medium as a platform? I think they’re recently going changes where they’re pushing a paid version.
Yes. To promote the charities, to spread awareness for causes like autism, for example, on kids.
I find it really interesting that Taiwan has so many bloggers with Pixnet. I wrote a project charity work a year ago where I connected bloggers to charities. The bloggers could visit the charities, use their website as a platform.
There’s bloggers all over the world. For example, especially Taiwan, they’re really centralized with these platforms, whereas the US, they mostly set up themselves a WordPress. They don’t use a shared...Maybe now this Medium has taken back a lot of the bloggers in the US. What do you think about ...
I see. What do you think about the blogger community in Taiwan? I was pretty surprised when I looked overseas and realized that I don’t think bloggers are as prominent as they are in Taiwan.
Of collaboration.
If you have a large library of free, public...
That work in creativity.
Is quite low.
When you look at smaller bloggers that are starting out or maybe don’t have as much of an established community, maybe they’re the ones who are hit even harder. Maybe not because their costs are lower. They’re not a setup company.
Would you be more positive about maybe small creators in Taiwan compared...These large brand like New York Times or Wall Street are famously very successful business models. They have that brand and the users have that need.
Like the "The New York Times" or "Wall Street Journal."
Are you using online model?
Have you had a chance to be involved with journalism in Taiwan? I know all around the world, journalists are worried about social media and how it’s taking over all of the journalists’ profits.
For example, books too, I think would be a great model for micropayments. Most creators would benefit from micropayments except for maybe certain more clickbait or more popular use. Even most journalists will also benefit.
The Open Revolution.
Interesting. I like this Open...What is it?
I like that idea. I think it’s more beneficial. You hear all the time about technologies or medical discoveries that are kept because of the patent or because of the copyright, the companies can’t increase collaboration.
I had a conversation with someone that worked at a VC firm. They had a lot of investments in companies that had a lot of the copyright and all the patents. They were a customer using blockchain to license it. This would be one step further, removing the old copyright ...
It’s the Spotify model. Looking to the Spotify model to all copyrights.
If users are streaming payments, the gaming history has less pressure to use these techniques. Money in the gaming industry’s really tight, multi-tech industry. Gamers are less lucrative than other tech-based opportunities because of high filming costs, a lot of competition. What do you think about the current gaming industry ...
Yes, Esports market, gaming market. The idea is that maybe gaming companies in the future don’t have to focus as much on monetizations through exploitive groups like premium games, cost mending problems, a lot of things that I feel are pretty negative to the user’s experience. No one loves these ...
Maybe how JPMorgan is using it for some internal banking project. Actually, on the topic of micropayments, one of the thing we also thought that we could do is maybe something with gaming. I know Taiwan has pretty vibrant gaming market.
Yes. We’re just using blockchains in this platform.
Yes. It’s not the main thing of the common. We’re not doing ICO or anything like that.
We want to make that distinction clear. Blockchain is pretty popular technology right now. We’re not leaning too much on it. We are using a blockchain to power the interledger protocol. It’s...
Maybe I can tell the UI team about that.
Oh, I see.
Web mining was a cool idea. I don’t think it really works in practice. Right now, mostly uses for it are pirate websites or other illegal hacks.
Bandwidth is pretty cheap as well.
Things like video streaming, if, as each byte of data is sent from the video server to the user, the user sends a fraction of a cent back to the video website as the transfer of data and the transfer of money, if it can exist in the same medium, ...
In the back end, we’re spinning something like an AWS cloud to run your thing that you are paying for with micropayments. The second that you close the website that instance closes or is used by some other user that is also streaming. We’re still not 100 percent sure what ...
We wanted to open the door for things that weren’t possible before. You know CodePen? The idea is we’ll have paid CodePen. You would pay the micropayments while you’re on the CodePenCodePen for every second that you’re running it.
If you’ve streamed a certain amount of money to them this month or you’ve spend a certain amount of time engaging some content you have access to, their latest updates or some premium content as well. One thing we really want to do is micropayments. We don’t send lump-sum payments. ...