Thank you.
That’s funny.
Research also tells that usually disinformation spread using humor. You use humor to clarify the…
Very interesting. One of the way to fight the disinformation is just giving all the story before the fake news be observed. I think that’s the best strategy to use.
It’s already trending?
…a clarification before the disinformation.
Just to clarify, before disinformation is spread, you predict that, and then you give another…
You use the same data?
Interestingly, how do you know that there’s some issues going up and some issues going down? Are you having something that is…
That’s similar to us.
You said before that you understand that the disinformation, they tend to be high during election or during referendum.
According to your opinion, apart from the COVID-19, what is the most threatening of disinformation in Taiwan.
That’s interesting.
How can they be trusted by…
Do you think it is difficult to handle that? In some countries, doing that kind of approach having difficulties as well. At some point, they become partisan, they become opposition, or they become government supporters.
That’s interesting. That is the strategy, the social sector first?
They’re trying to be free from all of those.
TFCC is like a crowd concept? People will try to do the fact-check rather than…
That’s interesting. If you say the social sector, who would be in the social sector if you identify them?
Social sector first approach?
Yeah. Is it right if I say that, in combating the disinformation, you in Taiwan using social engineering? Like you said before, you creating the norm instead of just top-down?
Triple P.
Sorry again, but it’s part of the process of the interview. What is your position right now that may affect or affected by the disinformation or misinformation?
That’s interesting terminology. Usually, there are some literature saying fake news. In my country, they also say fake news is…
I get the idea of it.
The first thing that I want to ask is how do you know about misinformation or disinformation and fake news?
This is part of the…
I would like to know more about misinformation and disinformation. You already read of the informed consent. You agree to do this interview, am I right?
Thank you for your time. My name is Rino Nugroho. I’m from Sebelas Maret University in Indonesia. Today, I have a research with my colleague, Professor Liao, from NSYSU and my colleague as well in UNS and assistant at NSYSU, Galan.