Are we going to transfer the UI from the English to the Taiwanese site?
It is.
Yeah, and a much better UI/UX.
Put "passionate" instead. ...That’s something, not the worst. [pointing to "sanguine" in the text of the website]
Oh, Jesus.
What’s sanguine?
Liquid Democracy?
Oh, but these are a completely different UI here.
I see.
Do we want...? Yeah, we do want to say "Taiwan", because we want to put Taiwan on the map. How come it’s .asia not .tw? [pointing out to intro text of]
That’s fine.
"g0v is a decentralized civic tech community from Taiwan. We advocate transparency of information and build tech solutions for citizens to participate in public affairs from the bottom up." [reading from’s revised intro text]
OK, we’re digressing. I’m still trying to figure out the missions here. You said one of the missions was clear here, so where is the mission?
All right, let me dwell on it. I’ll take that as my action item from the meeting. (laughs)
OK - you want catchy a slogan of some sort.
It sounds too academic?
"g0v is a decentralized civic tech community." [reading from intro text]
Do we really want to do...I’m just...
I have a question.
OK, I could dwell on this or we could brainstorm more if you want now. Let’s just go through this. So the point of this G‑0‑V...
All right, yes, please.
(laughs) Yes.
OK. (laughs)
It’s very contextual, you see?
Got it.
It doesn’t have that cultural stigma of "You’re nobody."
Is it harsh in Mandarin?
You could do something yourself... If you want change, you could do it yourself.
"Stop pointing fingers. Do something yourself."
OK, the point that you want to say is, "stop...
"Ask not why nobody’s doing this. You are the nobody, exclamation point." [reading over website banner]
"Ask not why..."
Oh, What kind? Oh, yeah you copied.
Ask not...all right. (laughs) "Don’t ask why.... Don’t ask why..." What is the page that you have up here? Let’s just center on that. Can we write on top of this? [pointing to projected website on the wall]
We can write here on the marker. Oh, that’s fantastic. Anyway whatever. Where was I?
Oh, OK.
I could. I’ll also do it here.
If we’re going to brainstorm stuff, we could just...
Yeah? Oh, fantastic. Where’s the pen?
Oh, this is what you could do here? You can...
There is this paint that you could paint over, and it makes your walls a dry eraser (whiteboard). Did you know this? [pointing to the wall of the office]
Why don’t we say, "Don’t ask why..." [starts to brainstorm messages on notebook]