What they built. OK. Oh, good.
Do you mind if I also take notes?
Yes, the same in Austria.
What does the party that’s not in the government think about the process of participation? Do both parties have a shared view or is that something that’s difficult for the party that’s not in government - like a normal reflex of opposition?
The question that I’m having is the following: Sure you’re now supported by the government? I mean you’re working with the government?
You have to think about an idea, "How can you implement participation with the existing way of democracy that we’re having?" And this is what you are doing.
And obviously, you can’t switch a country from representative democracy to direct democracy from one day to the other, so that’s not working at all.
When I hear what you’re doing, I of course thought that’s very similar to what I’m thinking of. Especially when I started to think about how to improve politics , I always had in my mind that direct democracy is something great and direct democracy is something that could help. ...
TL;DR stands for?
I’d love to discuss with you a little bit how you see the things, why you’re doing this, and if that’s the same view that I’m having. In the end, I think about how can I help? How can I support to somehow spread the idea and use the process ...
I think what you’re doing here in Taiwan is very interesting. So far, I’ve seen a lot of ideas how to improve the way we do democracy. In your case, I see something that’s there and shows references also on a big scale. I’m here to learn. I’m here on ...
Yes. The first time, yes.