Actually, that is a kind of one risk in the digital AI. I think, for instance, fake news, that is a big risk. And then in the people, we have to have a good skill to verify, to judge which is a fact which is fake. That is my understanding. ...
Thank you so much.
I see, I see. Thank you so much. Let me just confirm, the AI is a kind of perfect tool to integrate in the handicap people. 10:37 it’s one of the advantages.
Best means like how to harmonize what to make a more better something. Okay, collaborate with the AI and the Human.
So actually my question is what is the best area to collaborate in the AI and human? The reason why now I’m working for the medical company, medical device companies. Especially I’m in charge of the developing the future in the business strategy. And then I’m very interested in which ...
May I ask one question?