Do you find that this radical transparency idea, which is also...This is the first time that I’ve ever experienced anything like that. I find it really fascinating.
Just gathering ideas.
What are some of the goals that you have set for your office?
It’s fascinating. I mentioned this to my editor the fact that I’m meeting you and I can see a Digital Minister and all that. He was just very intrigued by this idea and said to definitely ask you more about it. I can’t think of any other country in Asia ...
The Google guy?
Was there a particular premier that was pushing for this?
Yeah, this Office of a Digital Minister?
Whose idea was this thing?
When were you appointed?
When was the...
What’s these?
Your position is really interesting. I don’t know how many countries have a digital minister. Do you? I’m digressing from the main topic that I wanted to discuss with you, because I’m fascinated by the fact.