Thank you so much, bye-bye.
They can learn so much, from the brilliance that you have. It would be such an honor. Thank you for the wonderful work that you do and thank you so much for your time.
I do look forward to the honor of meeting you face-to-face, in the near future. Perhaps we produce the World Children’s Festival at the Nashville Mall in Washington every four years, so the next one will be in 2024. I would love to extend an invitation for you to come ...
Any plans for you to visit Washington?
Do you know, Audrey, such a pleasure, and such an honor. Thank you so much. Anything that you would like to add?
Absolutely, absolutely. Audrey, what would your message be for children who are 10 to 12 year old, but they are looking into the future or trying to shape their own personal futures.
That is really, really a phenomenon. When you look into the future, how do you see the future?
Yes, absolutely. Now, coming back to the role and the position that you have right now, how does it change, government and governance?
I see, no wonder, before I do now proceed, I did want to ask you about your Silicon Valley experience.
Youth engagement. Wonderful, wonderful. Have you found some other ministers in other countries who have the same type of a portfolio as you do?
Yeah. Audrey, you are the digital minister or how do you define your title in English?
Fascinating, Audrey. How was your experiences when you left Taiwan? First, when you went to Germany, and then, I know that you worked in Silicon Valley, how were those experiences for you?
I see. What was the first startup about? What type of a company was there?
The first time that you were gainfully employed, is that the startup?
One of the things that educators always point out is the socialization experience if their school provides. How were you meeting other kids your age and playing with them?
In your childhood, what was the first achievement that made you say, “Hey, yes, I can make some special contribution in my life”?
Basically, you are homeschooled, as what we would say in the US?
How was your schooling experience? Because young kids who are so creative, they find it very difficult to adjust to standard education.
Absolutely, but surely you were reading classical literature when you’re very young. What inspired you to pick up these thick books at such a tender age?
When did you realize that you had this immense creative potential?