Arigato gozaimashita.
Thank you for giving us this precious opportunity. I’m praying for your health and growth. Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
Not very clearly.
Five more minutes. Yeah, [non-English speech] .
Thank you. There’s three people from the publisher, and I think they want to ask you some questions.
Then, you say they’ll find out their way to…
[laughs] That’s actually many hours, so no studying?
I see. Finally, what your message to Japanese children who will read this interview in the book?
It’s good. Still, Japanese university want to check our memory [laughs] or knowledge.
How about the education system? Do many parents want their children to go to a good university or…?
Taiwanese parents are being changed?
I’m wondering, if Taiwanese children are more free or allowed to think about many things compared to Japanese children? I think Japanese child seems to be more pressured in…
By themselves.
Will they be forced to explore something enjoyable?
[laughs] Doing nothing?
Many children think it’s difficult to find out what is enjoyable for them or what is good at. How can they find out what thing is enjoyable in their life?
You are the model of enjoyable public servant. Maybe no one like you in Japanese government here.
Overall, what does working mean to you? Will you work forever? [laughs] I don’t think you will retire…
Like friends.
The education is a kind of virtue in Japan, [laughs] I think. We have to change our thinking.
Parents tend to think they have to do something for children. [laughs]
To make children independent, the parents have to try to be equal to…
A Japanese parent seems to be confused and want desperately to know how to adapt to the changing of time. What do you think parents can do for their children in the present-day society?
Apart from my job, [laughs] I always don’t try to listen people very hard, but I need to [laughs] I think. All the people can be a journalist to listen other people carefully to practice empathy, right?
Oh good. To practice feeling empathy, do children have to see more people, like outside of school or in different ages?
Good example like the touchscreen making things change. According to one survey, there are a few children in Japan who think they can change Japanese society. Regarding to the future of Japan, their pessimism is very strong and having reasons such as anxiety about finance, social security, the economy and ...
For themselves.
Now, there are many choices and too much information. What do you think we help children to make the right choices?
Trying to being others to understand them.
That’s feeling.
Oh good. Is empathy different from sympathy, more on purpose?
Thinking about the common purpose, what are the new ability and qualities required of today’s teenagers? Maybe, they will work with different people.
You think…
So there are difference between the individualistic purpose and common purpose?
Purpose-based learning. People always missed the purpose to [laughs] learn, like just to aim to get high scores or feel like a competition.
I think I’ll check it out. You seem to learn everything from your own experience. What does learning mean to you? Is it your life itself? What do you say?
Are there any teachers, or just you learned from…?
Hacker ethics.
What did you learn from the hacker culture?
I have heard that you were greatly influenced by the hacker culture of the ‘90s when I think you were junior high school student maybe?
Good. From your experience?
It’s like a strategy making working with people. When you return to Taiwan from Germany, did you have any sort of, “I want to do this in the future,” or, “I want to do this for Taiwan,” or any prospect?
So the experience playing football, is it connected to the experience now you are in the team or working with people?
Do you like the team sport basically?
No soccer. Too hard for you?
After your surgery, have you restarted?
Thank you. I have heard you learned the importance of the teamwork when you were in Germany. I wonder, what kind of experience did you have in Germany?