At Google, I work on machine intelligence. My group is part of a larger organization of more than 1,000 people called Research and Machine Intelligence.

A big part of the goal of that group as a whole is to advance the technologies that are essentially starting to confer capabilities that are modeled or inspired after biological brains on machines. Machine Learning is the previous iteration of this kind of technology, we often call it Machine Intelligence these days.

My own group, within this larger group, focuses very much on machine intelligence on devices and on the edge rather than in data center. The reason that I’ve been very much focused on machine intelligence on devices is that I believe that if we think about the day after tomorrow, we really are headed for a world in which our technology is highly integrated into our bodies.

I don’t want for that world to be one in which we’re all part of a single giant super computer, to put it bluntly.

I think that it’s very important that our personal technology extend us as people. In order for that to be the case, we need to not only develop technologies that are interesting and powerful with respect to the server and the data center, but also develop a separate set of technologies that enable capabilities that can run without connections to the data center.

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