"Background" -- I was born and raised in the Silicon Valley, both my parents grew up in Taiwan. My dad was an electrical engineer and my mother studied library science in the US, returning to Taiwan in 1983. Both sets of grandparents came to Taiwan in the late 1940s, they worked in civil service, academia, and defense. I am a marketer by training and started my career in the late 1980’s as a product manager in computer imaging hardware and software. Since I was discouraged from pursuing a more creative endeavor in the arts, tech became my immediate calling,although to this day I prefer combining it with creativity and the arts. I started to work in scanning technologies during the transition from the mini-mainframe to PC era, studied quantitative economics and visual arts as an undergrad, and gradually found my way into brand management, business development, then venture capital early-stage investing primarily in broadband & wireless technologies, a bit of biotech and cleantech. I gravitate towards strategy as long as there’s an opportunity to integrate it with creativity with "best practices" so that it scales.

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